Friday 17 February 2012

Enrolment on Confirmation Programme

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Confirmation Preparation Programme
Sunday is the last Sunday of ordinary time before we start the season of Lent and when some of our young people will enrol in our Confirmation programme - St Peter's Way.  Please remember them in your prayers as they enrol on the programme to learn more about their faith and use this time to consider how they will live out their vocation as fully initiated members of the Church. 

My Lord and My God

Sacramental Preparation of Reconciliation and Holy Communion

On Tuesday we have the first meeting for parents and carers who are interested in enrolling their child for the Holy Communion programme.  At Tuesday's meeting Me, My Family, God's Family and the Good News we will be looking at our image of God, sharing Bible stories with children and thinking about how we can bring prayer into our everyday life and experiences.