Monday 11 June 2012

Jellies - Memories of First Holy Communion

Over the coming week we will hear from a range of different parishioners who share some of their memories of the First Holy Communion day. As we hear about others memories it may be a time to pull out those old photographs and remember the day and the people who helped each of us on our faith journey to prepare to receive our First Holy Communion.  It is also a time to remember those families and children preparing this week.  

Jellies for breakfast 

Miss Goddard
Miss Goddard shared how one of the things she remembers about her First Holy Communion day was the nuns at her school preparing Communion breakfast which included jelly! 
This may seem strange thing to have for breakfast but until recently it was customary to have a special Holy Communion breakfast, after mass.  The menu was often party food, no doubt a way of continuing the celebration. 
Younger readers may ask - why Miss Goddard didn't have breakfast till after Mass?  It was not because she got up late!  The answer, is simple, it was because until quite recently the fast before communion started at midnight (see later this week for fasting before Communion).  Today we are only asked to fast for one hour before we receive Holy Communion. This is one of the ways we can prepare to receive Jesus. 

Celebration Mass - Friday 22nd June at 6.30 St Thomas More
As well as being the feast day of St Thomas More and St John Fisher, we will also have a parish celebration for young people who have made their confirmation and children who have received their First Holy Communion.  Mass will be followed by a shared supper ... everyone is welcome, but we don't promise jellies!