Saturday 16 June 2012

Sharing our faith - First Holy Communion Memories

Faith is caught not taught.  Today we have memories from two of the mums, who have been sharing their faith with their children.  Whilst children have been attending sessions on a Sunday morning, and coming for their own Children's Liturgy, the adults have been coming to their own sessions to have an opportunity to deepen their own faith.

Jim Mann on her
First Communion Day
Jim, who has joined the catechists this year, to help with the children's sessions explained how:
I don't think I really understood what it meant when they said it was Jesus' Body and Blood, I knew deep down it was special, but didn't really understand, that it was actually the real Jesus.  It is only in recent years as I have started to learn more about my faith, that I have begun to truly appreciate this mystery of faith and how amazing it is to receive Jesus in Holy Communion.  
Donna Nott on her
First Holy Communion Day
Donna, when remembering her own first Holy Communion also talks about how helping her son has given her time to remember what an important time this is.  She writes: 
I made my First Holy Communion at St Catherine's of Sienna, Lowton. I have had a long think about my First Holy Communion and I remember I was so excited by my favourite Priest Father Connolly who gave everyone their very own set of rosary beads (which I still have).  He then gave us our First Communion.  Going through the 'My Lord and My God' preparation programme with my son Alex, has refreshed things and reminded me how special a time it is in his life and how he is looking forward to making his own first Holy Communion.
Please remember the children who will be making their First Holy Communion tomorrow.