Children's Liturgy

Children's Liturgy

Follow Me

Age group

Children's Liturgy is designed for children in primary school. Younger children who go to pre-school should attend Come to Me.

At the Cathedral (10.30 Mass) children’s liturgy is organised by parishioners to help children of the parish to listen to God’s Good news and experience the wonders of the Liturgy of the Word.

Children’s liturgy follows the same structure as the liturgy of the Word for adults. 
·   We gather God’s family
·   Say we are sorry,
·   Sing or say the Gloria* (except Advent and Lent)
·   Sing Alleluia* (except Lent)
·   Listen to the Gospel
·   Share the Good News and break open the Word using drama, music 
·   Prayers of the faithful.

Come to me

On the first Sunday of the month we offer a children's liturgy for parent and pre school children.  Here we use songs and actions to help us gather, say sorry, sing our Gloria and celebrate the Gospel.

Safe in our Hands

The safety of children is important. Like all parish groups all children’s liturgists (parishioners who help with children’s liturgy) are checked with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

Practical help required

We would like to ask all parents and adults who bring children to church (Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles, Guardians) to think about how they can help. This may be providing resources, or joining the team.  Liturgists always work in pairs and we meet as a team to learn more about scripture and how we might 'break the Word' with children. 

Children's Liturgy Team

Follow Me:  Catherine Curran, Christy Dargue, Emma Dargue, Elizabeth Olorun Femie, Veronique Lane, Jim Mann, Tony Lyons  and Ann-Marie Houghton

Come to Me: Akuat Deng, Elizabeth Hunt and Ann-Marie Houghton

We are also supported by young people in the parish who meet together to plan and prepare the children's Liturgy of the Word.

All parish activities involving young people are delivered by adults with DBS clearance. Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Anne Banks.