Gospel Share
We meet online between 7.30 and 8.30 on Thursday evening.
If you would like to attend please email Ann-Marie on catechist@lancastercathedral.org.uk
We use Lectio Divina - sacred reading of scripture to help us prepare for the Sunday Gospel and readings.
No experience is needed just a willingness to come and listen and if you want to share your ideas and questions.
Our format includes:
- A welcome
- We listen to our first reading
- A musical version of the psalm
- We listen to our 2nd Reading
- Our Gospel - we listen to the Gospel three times -
- The first time we simply listen to the words
- The second time we read the reading for ourselves and then listen whilst someone reads the reading
- We then call out a word of phrase that strikes us
- The third time we listen to the Gospel for a third time
- After this we share our response - which might be a question, something that has struck us, something we've heard in a homily in the past, something we've read about. We also share how we might respond to our Gospel reading in the coming week.
- To help us we sometimes look at sacred art, or a short video guide
- We close with a piece of music linked to the Gospel and pray the Glory Be,