Monday 13 March 2017

Lent 2A - Arts and Faith

This week we hear the story of the transfiguration, a reading we always hear on the second Sunday of Lent.  This year it is the version by Matthew 17, and in the art by Raphael there is both the story of the transfiguration and the story that comes straight afterwards, Jesus healing a boy.

For parents, you may want to turn off the audio or even free the image and talk to your child about the images you see.  The reading with its graphic descriptions is one that many listen to and imagine themselves going up the mountain with Jesus and the apostles, and reflect on how they must have felt.
  • The prophets of Moses and Elijah can be a useful starting point.  For children preparing for their first reconciliation, a chance to follow up on Moses and the 10 commandments.
  • For a selection of crafts about Moses and 10 comandments or for Elijah crafts to learn more about Elijah