Sunday 14 May 2017

Cathedral Trail

Adults looking round year of faith
This week adults and children have been looking round the Cathedral and learning more about the signs and symbols we have in church which can teach us more about our faith. 
On Tuesday evening parents looked round and this morning shared some of the things they had found out by looking at the pictures and information in the Year of Faith display.  Although it is a few years since the Year of Faith the display remains a fascinating account of key moments in Church history as well as the world.

Sharing ideas - Can you find ....
Look what I've found ...

The children then went and learned more about the offertory and the gifts of bread and wine, what we do in the benches and the link between the Ambo and the Altar, and then talked about the chalice and what we say when the priest says 'The Body of Christ' ... Amen and what it means. We finished our trail in the Blessed Sacrament chapel where we sang 'O Sacrament most Holy ... '.  More about other parts of our trail soon.