At Baptism we join God's Family ... the children who are preparing to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion attended their first session in the social centre this morning. We were looking at the sacrament of Baptism, the sacrament which is known as a gateway to all the sacraments.
We listened to Jesus' own baptism by John the Baptist, searched around for symbols that remind us of baptism and played some games to remind us that being part of God's family is fun and shared some stories of Baptisms we had been to. We used the gifts and talents the parents and adults had identified for their children as we said special prayers of thanksgiving to God for each child.
Please remember the children and their parents as they prepare for the sacraments during the coming months.
Singing 'At Baptism we join God's family ... ' |
Please remember the children and their parents as they prepare for the sacraments during the coming months.