Thursday, 5 April 2012

Chrism Mass

This morning we celebrated the Chrism Mass, when priests and people of the diocese gathered together in the Cathedral, the mother church of the diocese.  During this mass the priests renewed their vows and the Bishop blessed the oils of the sick, catechumens and of Chrism.  

Holy Oils: Picture from member of the diocese attending the Chrism Mass
During his homily the Bishop spoke about a priest who had helped people on the Titanic by hearing their confession, praying the rosary and offering calming words to the frightened people. Fr Thomas Byles went to school in Rossall school in Fleetwood, hence the Lancaster Diocese connection.  

After mass priests come and collect some of the oils blessed by the Bishop which they will use throughout the year when anointing the sick, or at baptism and confirmation.  There is a unity in all parishes using oil blessed by the Bishop at the Chrism mass.
Priests collecting their oils after 2010 Chrism Mass