Saturday, 21 July 2012

Prayer for priests

We all need the prayers of other people, and that includes our priests. This is why we regularly pray for vocations and remember the Pope, Bishop and priests in our bidding prayers - prayers of the faithful.
The video below, created by a parishioner, shows some of the many things a priest does and explains more about becoming a spiritual mother.  
What is a spiritual mother?
A spiritual mother is someone who feels called to spiritually support priests by their prayers.
We hope to start a group of spiritual mothers in the Parish to prayerfully support the priests in our Diocese. There will be an exploratory meeting at: 

St Thomas More on 4th August at 3.30-4.30pm.

Contact or Sr Zela on 01524 32616 for further information.

  • Do you know whose feast day it is on 4th August?  
  • Why might their feast day be the ideal day to have the exploratory meeting about spiritual motherhood?