Each week on the Cathedral website there are details of the Saint of the Week. This week we are reminded about St Veronica.
Feast Day: 14th July 1st century AD
Feast Day: 14th July 1st century AD
Patronage: images, laundry workers, pictures, photographs and photographers.
St Veronica: Hans Memling (1470) |
Although there is no mention of Veronica in the Gospels it is believed that she was a pious woman of Jerusalem who wiped the face of Christ when he fell in under the weight of the Cross on his way to Calvary. Her action, celebrated in the 6th Station of the Cross, left the image of Christ’s face on the cloth she used. The name "Veronica" comes from the Latin vera, meaning "true" or "truthful", and the Greek eikon, meaning "image"; the Veil of Veronica preserved in St Peter’s in Rome was therefore largely regarded in medieval times as the "true image", the truthful representation of Jesus, preceding the Shroud of Turin. Many representations of Veronica and the Image have been made, including those by Albrecht Dürer and Hans Memling.
Do you know which station of the cross shows Veronica wiping the face of Jesus as he carries his cross?
Click here for colouring page of Veronica wiping Jesus' face.
Can you think of something you can do to help others, just like Veronica helped Jesus.
Do you know which station of the cross shows Veronica wiping the face of Jesus as he carries his cross?
Click here for colouring page of Veronica wiping Jesus' face.
Can you think of something you can do to help others, just like Veronica helped Jesus.
Calling for photographs
It would be great to have more photographs of parish life, please contact us when you have photographs to share.