Sunday 9 December 2012

Advent 2: Peace

Today we light the second Advent candle, in children's liturgy we will be thinking about the gift of peace and talking about how we can prepare a way to welcome Jesus into our lives.  More about this tomorrow.

A Prayer for Advent Week 2
Heavenly Father, Your prophet, John,  calls us to prepare for Your coming among us in Jesus.  Give us the grace and humility to acknowledge our need for forgiveness  and the strength of Your Holy Spirit  to guide us in the ways of peace and justice. Amen.

Reminder - Drop-in For Prayer Day: Monday 10th December
From Noon till Nine as St Thomas More A quiet warm place with books, tea and coffee provided and a Sister to listen during the day. ALL WELCOME! Meditation at 12.noon Evening Prayer at 4.00pm Year of Faith session at 7.30pm Continuing the Apostles' Creed:
 "I believe in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary."