Sunday 16 December 2012

Advent 3: Joy

Today in children's liturgy we sang and danced for joy.  We lit our third candle and talked about the joy  of having Jesus with us. When John the Baptist first 'met' Jesus, he was still in his mother's womb, we read how John jumped for joy (Luke 1:44).  This Sunday is known as Gaudete (meaning joy).  John the Baptist who told the disciples that someone greater than he was coming.  For a colouring of John Baptist, click here.   

A prayer for Advent
Lord Jesus, you call us to lives of loving generosity, honesty, integrity and humility.  With the baptism of your Holy Spirit we pray that you will walk alongside us to protect and guide us as we seek to obey that call and to live in fellowship with you. Amen

O Antiphons 
A time for quiet prayer and reflection starting tomorrow 17th December.  Exposition 5.30pm followed by Vespers and Benediction.  This will continue all week.  Exposition and Vespers as 4.00 and 4.40 on Sunday.