Friday 14 December 2012

Friday Photos of Faith: A birthday and a feast

This Friday we  remember St John of the Cross whose feast day is today, and whose painting was the inspiration for a painting by Salvador Dali. We also hear from a young member of the parish who celebrates a birthday and wonders what Jesus might like for his birthday.

Birthday celebration

Fridays are good, they're a good time to have a rest after a week at school and to talk to God about how it's gone.  It's also a good day to have a birthday!  It's my 11th birthday today and after opening my presents and cards from friends and family we had a Friday feast of fish and chips followed by birthday cake.   Celebrating my birthday also reminds me that we are getting ready to celebrate Jesus' birthday soon too.  I've enjoyed playing with the lego I've been given for my birthday but am wondering what Jesus would like for His?  It can't be something big and fancy from the shops but perhaps he'd like something little like me sharing love and hope and joy or peace with my friends and family even more.  My prayer for today is that everybody reading this may be as happy as I am today and will come and celebrate Jesus' birthday this year at Mass.

St John of the Cross - 14th December
Christ of St John of the Cross: Salvador Dali 1951 
This painting by Dali, is inspired by a sketch by St John of the Cross  whose feast we celebrate today. A doctor of the Church he wrote many spiritual books inspired by experiences of his life.  To read more about St John of the Cross click here 
Sketch by St John
of the Cross

Saint John of the Cross, in the darkness of your worst moments, when you were alone and persecuted, you found God. Help me to have faith that God is there especially in the times when God seems absent and far away. Amen