Saturday 30 March 2013

Triduum and Children's Stations of the Cross

Triptych for the Triduum
Photo of the week on the Cathedral Year of Faith blog
Last Saturday our young people preparing for the sacrament of confirmation (confirmandi) spent the day finding out more about the Triduum, to help advertise this liturgy which began on Thursday with the washing of the feet, continued yesterday on Good Friday and which ends tonight at the Easter vigil they created their own triptychs - one for the Cathedral and a second one for St Thomas More's. 
Maundy Thursday the hands included ways in which we might all follow Jesus' example to serve one another.  The cross on Good Friday included the names of confirmandi and the children who have just made their first confession, as a reminder that Jesus died for us. The large candle a symbol for the Easter vigil when the Paschal candle will be lit outside and brought into a dark church, a reminder that Christ is our light.  The people remind us of the litany of saints which is often prayed after we have renewed our Baptismal promises.  We included in our Communion of Saints the names of saints recognised by the Church and remembered friends, family and parishioners who have died.   

Stations of the cross
For younger members of the parish, the children's liturgy team prepared a special Stations of the cross that was prayed during the Good Friday service.  We reflected on those people Jesus met on his journey to Golgotha where he was crucified. The children also created their own Triptychs or coloured stations of the cross. Finally, we talked about venerating the cross and the fact that although this was a sad reminder of Jesus crucified, we would soon be celebrating that he had risen from the dead.
See link for details of Children's Liturgy most  Sundays
Children preparing their Triptych