Sunday 12 May 2013

After Mass refreshments with a difference

The May's who took St Peter's Keys to Japan, also sent in photos of refreshments after Easter Sunday morning Mass which make a change from the English Hot Cross Buns. 

After Mass refreshments with a difference 
Gerry explained:
After Mass there was food and drinks available for everyone in the courtyard outside the Kyoto Cathedral where young children offered the congregation hard boiled eggs wrapped in the yellow paper. Also available were a local delicacy known as Takoyaki (battered balls of octopus) which were very popular with the crowd. I suspect not something that would go down like hot cakes in Lancaster! 
Sorry no octupus this week, but there will be a welcome smile
Meeting up after Mass for coffee and a biscuit is an important part of getting to know the other members of the parish community and catch up on news. Everyone is welcome and there is always room for more volunteers to help serve refreshments.  
Ray and Jackie McGlone serving coffee after 10.30 Mass