Sunday 21 July 2013

Martha, Mary and St Peter's Keys

Today as the Ladies Choir began their well earned rest, the choristers from the Cathedral School came to sing during the 10.30am Mass.  

Whilst older pupils stayed in church and helped Fr Kevin with his homily,  younger pupils joining us for Children's Liturgy, both heard and practically experienced the message of today's gospel.  Given the weather we took the opportunity to have children's liturgy in the cloisters with the statue of St Therese of Lisieux to keep us company!  
We sit and share how we listen to the Lord
We stand and face the person reading the Gospel 

The children listened carefully to the Gospel and then we shared where we listen to Jesus.  After talking about what we had in common with Mary, we then thought about Martha and her actions.  As we had said our prayers, listened to God's Word, we then helped serve our parish community by picking up some of the weeds that were beginning to appear.
Children helping to pick up weeds from the cloister garden -
showing that we can all serve our parish family
St Peter's Keys
Taking keys to Germany
to read about last years trip
After Mass children and families were given pictures of St Peter and his keys.  During the summer everyone is invited to see where they can take St Peter's keys.  If you didn't get a picture then please use the one on the left, or simply have a photo of you holding a set of keys, like one of our young parishioners from last year.  Another idea is to look for other statues, stained glass windows of St Peter in other churches.