Sunday 28 July 2013

Martyrs Exhibition - Anglia Martyres Orate pro nobis

If you've had chance to visit the Cathedral in the last week you will have seen the result of lots of hard work that has been going on in the past months preparing for the exhibition My Faith is My Crime.  There has already been lots of feedback - if you would like to tell us about your favourite exhibit or send us a short text of how the exhibition has inspired you we'd like to hear from you.
Over the next ten days we'll share highlights for those unable to visit and to encourage those who can and haven't had the chance to come and learn more about those men and women who died for their faith.  For a slideshow of pictures from this exhibition organised as part of the Cathedral's Year of Faith celebrations and to see this weeks' object of faith 'the Bishop'.

English Martyrs Pray for us
Can you find out who the two martyrs were on this vestment. They are also saints and share the same feast day 22nd June. 
Answers in the martyrs exhibition.

At the bottom of this vestment are the words 
Anglia Martyres orate pro nobis

This is Latin and we normally hear or read these the final three words in a litany of saints which is a prayer where we list the saints (who may be martyrs) to pray for us.  The phrase pray for us comes in two forms in the Latin:
Ora pro nobis - is when we ask one saint to pray for us
Orate pro nobis is when we ask more than one saint to pray for us.  
If you are listening to the litany then listen out for how the saints are introduced.  If you hear:
Sancte and Sancta
use ora pro nobis
Omnes or Sancti -
use orate pro nobis

To listen to a Latin litany of the saints, starting at the point where the saints are asked to pray for us.