The Christ Church Shelter provides for rough sleepers in the local area between November and Easter. The Shelter operates on a very small budget and any donations that you might make would be very welcome. The Shelter always needs: tinned food (within dates, please), coffee, tea, biscuits, blankets, toiletries (toothpaste, soap, deodorant, razors), towels and warm clothing. Donations of money are also helpful; please make cheques payable to ‘The Shelter.’ Please drop off any donations at Cathedral House and we will arrange for them to be collected. Thank you for your help!

For further information about the night shelter
For details of an article that appeared in the Guardian that gives a flavour of the people who use and volunteer at Homeless Shelters around the country including Christ Church read 'Volunteering: a light in the darkness of homelessness'
For further information about the night shelter
For details of an article that appeared in the Guardian that gives a flavour of the people who use and volunteer at Homeless Shelters around the country including Christ Church read 'Volunteering: a light in the darkness of homelessness'