This week's Friday Photo of Faith was inspired by a video - entitled Seeing. A reflection which encourages us to do more than look, but to see and use what we see as a basis for prayer. So as we look around what do we see and how can that give us a focus for our prayer. News on the television of the tragedy in the Philippines, a poster or advert as we walk around town reminding us of an event, a sign in the back of a car or on the side of a bus. How might these give us ideas or remind us who or what to pray for.
For a link to the video Seeing: Reflection by Vinita Hampton Wright
This video and link is one of a series of messages sent out by the Loyola 'Days of Deepening Friendship' blog for more information Days of Deepening Friendship
A recent post which connects with one of our own posts is a bibiography on Hildegard von Bingen
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