Saturday, 28 December 2013

4th Day of Christmas - Pope Francis Blessing the Crib

4th Day of Christmas 
Four colley or calling birds - that represent the four Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  Each of the Gospels was written for a different community and help us to understand more about Jesus' message of Good News.A Christmas Quiz based on Matthew's Gospel chapters 1 and 2. Or in Luke's Gospel chapter 1 and chapter 2 verses 1 to 40.
Colouring pages of the four Evangelists (Gospel writers)
Matthew - Angel  Mark - Lion, Luke - Ox, and John - Eagle
For simple explanations and more about these evangelists see St James' Cathedral, Seattle - Children's Page

Christmas Video
Today two short videos of Pope Francis blessing the baby Jesus and speaking about how Jesus came to us in humble beginnings.  
Blessing the baby Jesus - 1 minute
Speaking about Jesus' humble beginnings and the need to remember the poor 1 minute

Tomorrow we will hear how Joseph is given a message to escape to Egypt to keep Jesus safe.  We remember all babies today, especially the Holy Innocents who lost their lives and those who may be sick in hospital or are not yet born.  We pray for their parents and all working in our hospitals to look after them.