Sunday, 1 December 2013

Advent 1 - A time of Hope

This Advent the children in children's liturgy will be received a special card from one of the characters linked to the Gospel with a special Advent Message for them, and a prayer that is linked to the Advent theme of the week.  They will be preparing paper chains with messages linked to the theme, today how they will be Getting Ready.

Advent 1: Hope
Loving God, you sent your Son Jesus into the world to show us how to live. Help us to stay awake and be ready when he comes. Help us as we journey through advent.  Help us to share your hope with our friends and family.  Amen
Preparing for Advent

During Advent the newsletter will include details of the Jesse Tree - for younger readers or families the following link gives you ideas for how to create your own Jesse Tree.  Maybe an activity for children during Advent, or when they break up for the Christmas holiday.  Creating a Jesse Tree - Loyola Press