Thursday, 26 December 2013

Feast of St Stephen - Christmas Videos

Feast of St Stephen
The 26th December is chosen as the feast day for the first martyr of the Church.  St Stephen, like Jesus at the moment of his death he prayed for those who stoned him Acts 7: 59-60 Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60 Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” 
see Acts of the Apostles chapters 6 and 7

Colouring page of St Stephen 
And challenge for those who can visit Lancaster Cathedral, who is the Saint standing to the right of St Stephen?

Wishing all Stephen's a Happy Feast Day.

Christmas Videos 
We'll also include a selection of video which link either with the feast day celebrated or the season of Christmas, some will offer food for thought and others support for prayer.  Ideas from readers would be most welcome.
An account of St Stephen's faith and inspiration for Saul, who later converted to Christianity - Stephen and Saul

A 3 minute dramatic account of St Stephen's martyrdom