Saturday, 29 March 2014

A busy Sunday - My Lord and My God

Last Sunday was a busy day for the catechists and children involved in both our sacramental preparation programmes.  The children preparing to receive make their First Confession in a few weeks time came to the social centre for the first session of the My
Lord and My God programme.  
Images from Adult Leaflet - Can you find these in the Cathedral?
Children talking about symbols of Baptism
Their parents have already attended a number of sessions where they have explore the Trinity, praying with children, sharing the Bible and learning more about what we do in Children's Liturgy.  The parents have also thought about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and considered how they will help prepare their children for this great sacrament of healing.  
Children's Session - On Sunday the children from the Cathedral and St Thomas More's gathered in the Social centre.  We talked about sacrament as a gift - an outward sign of an inward grace.  We listened to the story of Jesus' Baptism and then talked about our joining God's family at Baptism.  Next we shared the meaning of each of the symbols (outward signs) of Baptism - water, candle, oils, white cloth.  After our session we went over to the Cathedral 
Children lining up to go over to the Cathedral
At Mass the children came out for a special Children's Liturgy.  The gospel reading allowed us to continue our theme of the importance of water for new life - and so we listened to the Samaritan woman and Jesus saying how he would give her living water.  
Children looking at the symbols of Baptism