Saturday 19 April 2014

Holy Saturday - Art and Faith

Today whilst we wait for Christ our light the reflection is on a mosaic which picks up themes of creation from the book of Genesis.  At the Easter vigil we will listen to the story of salvation - the story of how we have been saved and given new life through Jesus' death and resurrection.   Apsis mosaic from Basilica San Clemente in Rome, “Triumph of the Cross,” 12th century

Watch video above or link to reflection  by Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, assistant professor of liturgy, catechesis, and evangelization at Loyola University New Orleans.

If you visit the Cathedral today there will be a peace and expectancy as we await the risen Lord.  Many people will be helping to prepare for tonight's vigil the third part of the Triduum.

Saturday - Easter Vigil - all welcome to join in this great liturgy where the Paschal candle will be lit, we will listen to the readings of salvation history and the water of Baptism will be blessed and please note we will start at 8.00pm