Monday 7 April 2014

Project Uganda

Over the weekend the students and teachers from Our Lady’s Catholic College involved in the Project Uganda came to tell parishioners more about the project and to ask for prayers and donations to help them continue with this work.  Ruth Lowe Head of 6th Form explained some of the background including the support given to the ICT Lab. 
The project Uganda team have written to thank the parishioners of St Peter’s and St Thomas More’s for their warm welcome and support last weekend. The generous donations will be of great help to the project. One of our altar servers is part of the group and so we will be keeping parishioners updated on their progress.
There is an open invitation to the next two upcoming events:
A Quiz Night at Thurnham Hall (in conjunction with parishioners of Saints  Thomas and Elizabeth Church, Thurnham) on Monday 28th April at 7 pm (entrance £2 - pay on the night).

A ‘Concert for Uganda’ at Our Lady’s Catholic College on Friday 9th May at 7pm. (Tickets £5 - includes a glass of wine and bite to eat - available from the school Tel: 01524 66689 or pay on the night).