Friday 13 June 2014

Confirmation: St Joseph’s Kirkby Lonsdale and St Mary’s, Hornby

Today we remember confirmands from two parishes whose parish priest is Canon Liuz Roscillo.  Yesterday learned about St Joseph the worker.  Today, a second St Joseph. 
Confirmands with Bishop Michael Campbell and
Canon Liuz Roscillo

Did you know, there is weekly exposition on a Friday evening 6.30 to 7.00pm at St Mary's, Hornby? 
St Mary's, Hornby
St Joseph's, Kirkby Lonsdale
© Photographs copyright Alexander P Kapp and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Mary and Joseph
Today we show a stained glass window in the Lady Chapel, showing Joseph and Mary.  It celebrates the Feast of the Presentation.

Mary and Joseph, as obedient Jews, went to the Temple to give thanks for their 'first-born male child' - Jesus. Being poor, they brought the offering as the Law required of them 'a pair of turtle-doves or two young pigeons' - they can be seen in the basket by Mary's knees.

In the same way, the confirmands parents have brought their children to Church for Baptism, the first sacrament of initiation.  On Sunday they were confirmed which was the third sacrament of initiation.