Wednesday 31 December 2014

Remember to give thanks and ask for help

Advent wreath - the white Christmas candle and Mary watching on
Today at the 12.15 Mass, the last of 2014, Fr Steve suggested that we reflected on the past year and remembered things that had happened to us as individuals, as a parish and diocese, it was time for us to give thanks to God for the many blessings we have received.  And to remember to ask God for His help for the things in our life which cause us worry or concern.

As we think about New Year  resolutions it can be a good time to think about ways in which we can use the gifts we have been given by God to share His Good News, serve others in our daily lives as well as in the parish.  

Tomorrow at 12.15 Mass an opportunity to start 2015 as we celebrate
the feast of Mary Mother of God.

And a reminder in pictures of some of the highlights of Pope Francis during 2014