Sunday 15 March 2015

Be joyful ... God so loved the world

Fr Steve and Deacon Jim wearing rose coloured vestments
in the distance the veil of the tabernacle is also rose
Today we celebrate Laetare Sunday (in Latin meaning joyful), which are from the (introit) opening prayer of the Mass "O be joyful, Jerusalem".  This is why the priest wore rose (pink) vestments, rather than the Lenten purple.  We are joyful because we are half way through Lent and beginning to think more about Easter and the joy of the resurrection.  But before that we have a few more weeks to go including Holy Week when we will celebrate the Mass of the Last Supper, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil.   

At children's Liturgy, the children received three hearts, one they recorded ways they could serve the Lord and share his love, the second one they took home with the name of someone they would pray for, and the third for their mothers to say thank you for loving them.  

We wish all mothers, a Happy Mother's Day, and remember in our prayers those mothers who have died.  

Altar with hearts from children's liturgy
saying what they would do to share God's love