Friday, 26 June 2015

Celebration Mass

On Wednesday, the Feast of st John the Baptist, the young people who received their first Holy Communion or Confirmation a few weeks ago gathered with their families and parishioners at St Thomas More for a celebration Mass and to receive their certificates. 
Holy Communion group 2015 after Celebration Mass at St Thomas More
Afterwards there was a shared party and chance to share memories of the day itself and the preparation sessions. 

A call to serve one another
As the end of Mass we are sent out with a mission, Jesus gave us the example of washing feet as a sign of love and service.  Below an image shared by one of the families of children following Jesus' example of washing feet.  Of course, most of the time we serve others by doing lots of other things.  At the end of Mass, Fr Steve asked families to think about ways they might serve the parish community, as servers, welcomes, helping with the offertory or with hospitality after Mass. 
Washing feet: A sign of love and service to others