Advent focal Table 2017 |
Central to our focal table was the advent wreath with its evergreen circle reminding us of the never ending love of the Lord, and two lit candles to signal we are in the second week of advent.
We had the Lancaster Diocese Lampadusa cross which helped us focus on the needs of refugees who like Mary and Joseph had to leave their home and make a journey at a challenging time.
Our opening prayer is one you may find useful in the coming days.
Come Lord Jesus, Maranatha
Open our ears to hear your word, open our eyes to see you in one another, open our hearts to your call to live generously and to let our light shine. Open our arms to reach out in welcome and love.
Come Lord Jesus, Maranatha Amen.
Our time of reflection opened with the Litany of the Word which reminds us of all the ways that Jesus who is the WORD brings justice, mercy, freedom, hope, healing, comfort and gladness. Why not listen to this reflection as a family.