Sunday, 7 January 2018

Welcoming the stranger

Welcomers midnight mass
Tonight at 6.30 Mass Fr Steve reminded us that just as the wise men were welcomed by the Holy Family when they came to visit and bring their gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh, we should welcome the stranger ... and share with them the gift of love we have been given.

We are all called to welcome people in our everyday life ... but recognise that we may do this in lots of different ways. Why not let us know who welcomed you to the Cathedral, or to Lancaster. 

9.30 St Thomas More welcomers
 9.30am Sunday welcomers at St Thomas More
6.30 Sunday welcomers
 6.30pm Sunday welcomers at Cathedral

Cathedral welcomers
Welcomers 2012
Four welcomers from the Cathedral, taken in 2012, featuring Frank Hamspey 2nd left who served loyally as a welcomer and whose requiem mass is 12.15 tomorrow 8th January. May he rest in peace.