Sunday, 18 February 2018

Children's Liturgy and Lent

This Lent we are using our senses to Follow Jesus.  Each week the children will look at on one of the senses to help them to think and pray about the Gospel reading and its message of Good News and help them as they journey through Lent.

Sorry - Please - Thank you 

Jesus I am sorry for the times I did not follow you Amen

Please help me Jesus as I try to follow you. Amen

Thank you Jesus for helping me to follow you. Amen 

This Lent we will:
PRAY - saying sorry, please and thank you

GIVE UP (Fasting) - what can we do with out 

(Almsgiving) - what can we do for others?

A short video for the children about today's reading of Jesus being tempted in the desert.  We talked about ways in which we can turn back to God.