Friday, 30 March 2018

Good Friday Crosses

Today we gathered at church in silence, the priests wore red vestments as a reminder of Christ's passion and death on a cross.  The adults listened to the Liturgy of the Word which included a retelling of  John's Gospel, they then prayed for the world, venerated the cross and then received Holy Communion.  Today is the only day in the church year when Mass is not celebrated.

Whilst the adults celebrated the Lord's passion, some of our children prayed the stations of the cross, reflecting on the crosses they carry, the people who help them when life is hard.  They created some crosses inspired by the El Salvador crosses which show Jesus with images of our everyday life.  To show them we've created a short video which shows the crosses they created.  The children then came into church and reverently venerated the cross before returning to their parents.

For those who haven't been able to attend church today, we post a video made by a parishioner a few years ago, entitled The peaceful beauty of Lancaster Cathedral.