Sunday, 17 June 2018

Happy Father's Day

In children's liturgy our gathering song for the Ordinary season is 
Come and join with us in our Father's House ... 

We gather in Church as a parish family and visit God's house (church) to listen to God's word and share our Eucharistic meal at the altar. We listened to the story of the mustard seed growing into a big tree where there is a place for all the birds of the air.  The tree represents God's Kingdom, where there is a place for all.  

When Jesus spoke of His Father's House and God's Kingdom he was thinking about heaven, but as we say in the Our Father 'thy Kingdom come' so today, we thought about how we through seeds of faith can help to make everyone feel welcome here on earth. 

Today we remember all fathers, including Fr Steve and Fr John-Paul and those priests who have guided us and taught us how to live in God's Kingdom. Fr John-Paul reminded us of the need for more priests and we remembered in our prayers Stephen Talbott as he prepares to be ordained deacon next Saturday.