As eagle eyed readers of the blog may have noticed we've added some new pages for our sacramental preparation. There is now a page for each sacrament where there are details of our sacramental programmes so something for everyone - please look at sacraments pages.

Our parish preparation programme is for children in year 3 or above. An important part of the programme are the sessions for parents and adult supporters - Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles, Godparents are also welcome.
St Peter's Way - Confirmation Programme

Our preparation programme is for young people who are year 9 or above. There is an information meeting for young people and their parents on Sunday 2nd December after 6,30pm Mass. The meeting will give you a chance to ask questions and to hear more about the programme, which is designed to give young people a chance to revisit the sacraments of initiation and think about what it means to be a Catholic today.
At the end of the meeting adults and young people will be given a form to fill in with contact details and then one to take away and complete by Christmas.
My Lord and My God - Reconciliation and Holy Communion Programme
My Lord and My God - Reconciliation and Holy Communion Programme
The information meeting is for adults only and will take place at Cathedral House on Tuesday 4th December at 7.30pm You will be asked to complete a form with contact details and then one to take away and complete by Christmas.
This meeting is earlier than usual so please spread the word to anyone who maybe interested.