Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Gaudete - Rejoice

Deacon Stephen
The third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday, we light our pink candle and rejoice in the Lord ... 

On Sunday Deacon Stephen joined us and wore the rose / pink vestment of a deacon. This colour vestment is only used on two days in the church year, do you know when the other day is?
His vestment is different from the priests, it has a square shape, and is known as a dalmatic a sign of service. 
As one of the ministries of a deacon he read the Gospel and dismissed us at the end of Mass. He then went to take Holy Communion to someone unable to join us ... we remember all those who are sick at this time and those caring for them.

Please remember Stephen in your prayers as he continues his preparation for ordination in 2019.