Sunday, 20 January 2019

Peace Sunday

Peace Sunday 20th January 2019 
" Good politics at the service of peace" 

Did you know that the 1st January is world day of peace.  Each year the Pope sends a message of peace, this year we celebrates the 52nd World Day of Peace.  On the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary time, today - Pax Christi which is the International Catholic Movement for Peace encourage us to take time to pray for peace.  

The Archbishop of Liverpool, the Most Revd Malcolm McMahon OP is National President of Pax Christi's UK section:

"Once again Pope Francis invites us to start a new year with a reflection on our role as peacemakers. Drawing on the evolving teaching of our church and looking at the 'signs of the times' ...

In his message he quotes  “Beatitudes of the Politician”, proposed by Vietnamese Cardinal François-Xavier Nguyễn Vãn Thuận, a faithful witness to the Gospel who died in 2002. As food for thought, what if we were to replace politician, for parishioner ... which ones would still hold true, and which would we need to change.  There are other versions of the beatitudes, and whilst they do not replace those within scripture, they often provide us with food for thought.