Sunday, 16 June 2019

Confirmation on Trinity Sunday

Today as we celebrated the Feast of the Holy Trinity, we also celebrated confirmation at the Cathedral.  There were confirmandi from two deaneries in the Lancaster Diocese, St Peter's in Lancaster and St Mary of Furness, Barrow in Furness and the Lakes Deanery. There were 42 young people and 3 adults renewing their baptismal promises and then coming forward to be anointed with Chrism which was blessed at the chrism Mass.  
During the coming week we will post group photographs fr the different parishes, but for today we post a group photograph of all those confirmed.
Bishop Paul, Confirmandi and Clergy 
Thank you ....
A day like today would not have been possible without the help of a lot of people, all the catechists and clergy who have helped prepared confirmandi over the past few months, and today our choir and musical director Damien Howard, our MC Kirsten Kerfoot and servers, many who had served at this mornings mass and who returned to serve again this afternoon, our welcomer Marcin, and catechists from the cathedral who busied themselves behind the scenes. 

Blessing of the Chrism used at today's confirmation
We also post below a reminder of Holy Week where the oil of Chrism that was used to anoint the confirmandi was blessed by Bishop Paul Swarbrick.