Wednesday, 31 July 2019

St ignatius of Loyola - New ways to pray through summer

Today we celebrate the feast of St Ignatius of Loyola and share ideas relating to imaginative prayer and contemplation and the Examen, both forms of prayer common in ignation spirituality. 

Part of the ignation spirituality use a prayer and reflection practice call Examen, it includes reflecting on the day and where God was during the days highs and lows. Examen Prayer Card outlining how you can build this prayer into your life.

And for a daily reflection that last about 10 minutes, why not try out Pray as you go

And for couples who may be able to take a bit more time during the summer to try out the seven days Pray as you go retreat - a short video and reflection 'Where two are gathered'

Imaginative prayer a blog entry, Ignation contemplation: imaginative prayer