Doubting John? Are you the one?
We are used to thinking of Thomas as the doubter, but in today's Gospel the great prophet John the Baptist whose powerful words Prepare a way for the Lord we heard last week is the one who today we find asking questions, almost doubting himself and what he preached. Today we hear about John who was in prison sending a message to ask Jesus if he was the one, the Messiah who had come to bring salvation. We might ask why did John doubt and question?
For most, if not all of us, there are times in our lives when we doubt, we question what our faith means to us. This can be at difficult times in our lives, like John in prison, or when things are going well and we fall into the trap of thinking we can manage alone. In some ways it is reassuring to be in John's company, but what is perhaps more reassuring is the answer Jesus sends back.
He reminds John of the miracles and signs of his actions, helping the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, these were no doubt amazing transformation for the individuals concerned. But what about us? It seems to me that Jesus also came into the world to help us to see the needs of those around us in need, to listen to those who are trying to tell us who they are or what is troubling them, and to offer a physical support for those who may be struggling in other ways.
Jesus reminds us that despite his uncertainty, his doubts, his questions, John was a great prophet with a great mission to prepare the way for the Lord. So whatever our uncertainties or doubts we too can help to prepare a way for others to meet the Lord who came to bring salvation. This is a message that fills us with joy, which is very fitting as we celebrate Gaudate (Rejoice) Sunday where our priests will wear rose coloured vestments. AMH
Fr Steve wearing rose coloured vestment In the distance you can see the rose coloured veil for the tabernacle |