Monday, 5 December 2022

Follow Me Advent 2: Lighting the Advent Wreath

This week Fr Steve invited the children to come and look at him lighting the 2nd purple candle on our advent wreath. The Advent wreath at the Cathedral surrounds the Ambo and includes the 5 candles, 3 purple candles representing the 1st week of hope, 2nd week of peace, and 4th week of love.  The pink candle symbolises joy and is lit on the 3rd Sunday of Advent for Gaudate (Rejoice) Sunday.  And the final white candle we light at Christmas a sign of Jesus the Light of the World.  

The green evergreen surroundings in a traditional wreath forms a circle to symbolise God's everlasting love. However, to avoid the Ambo becoming an obstacle course the entrance is left to allow readers and the priest to approach the Ambo to read the readings from the Old Testament, New Testament and Gospel.  

Fr Steve lights the 2nd Candle on the Advent Wreath