Sunday 28 January 2024

Gospel Reflection: An outstanding teacher

 4th Sunday Ordinary Time: An outstanding teacher 

This week we listen to the next section of chapter 1 in Mark's Gospel.  Last week Jesus was calling the disciples to follow him and they came immediately.  Today we hear how Jesus goes to the synagogue and teaches the people who were astounded.  What was it about Jesus that caused the apostles to follow him, and for the people to be astounded and amazed by his teaching? Jesus was described as teaching with authority, not just following the instruction book or rules like the scribes.  Unlike school teachers Jesus wasn't assessed by Ofsted, yet the people who listened to him recognised he had something about him, his teaching was authentic and real. 
Jesus teaching at Synagogue
James Tissot: Jesus teaches near the treasury

We can all probably think of a teacher, or priest or nun even a parent or friend who has something about them when they are trying to teach us.  They not only have the knowledge – the facts and figures – but also believe in what they do, and like Jesus they practice what they preach and teach.  They say faith is caught not taught.  This week we might want to reflect on the people who have passed on the faith but also those who have deepened our head knowledge as well as those like Jesus who have helped increase our understanding of who Jesus is – a great teacher yes, but also our Lord and God who we follow because he practices what he preaches.  AMH 

PS And yes, let's use this time to say thank you to the teachers we know.