Friday 16 February 2024

Year of Prayer: Stations of the Cross

 Year of Prayer: Stations of the Cross

In our newsletter this Sunday, we'll read more about the season of Lent.  Today we share an extract which relates to a traditional Lenten prayer, Stations of the Cross.
During Lent the Stations of the Cross are an important devotion; they will be prayed in the Cathedral each Sunday at 4pm. In this devotion we try to walk with the Lord on His final journey. Jesus told His disciples, 
“If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him denounce himself, take up his cross and follow me.”
In the Stations – and throughout Lent – we try to take up our cross and follow the Lord, in our rituals and in our daily lives. 

Stations capture some key moments on Jesus' journey towards his crucifixion.  

Stations of the Cross Tapestry