Sunday 10 March 2024

Happy Mother's Day

 Happy Mother's Day

Snowdrops in Cathedral Garden
We remember and give thanks for all mothers and those women who give and nurture and care to others.  Today we remember especially those whose mothers may have died in the past year, and those mothers whose son or daughter have died. Some flowers from the Cathedral Garden.

We share a message from one of our readers, who sent a message about her mum for International Women's Day.

I would like to remember my lovely Mum, Mary who was a constant inspiration.  She was so multi talented and her Catholic faith was always at the forefront of everything she did.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pay tribute to my Mum.

And for all mothers, two contrasting pieces of music.  The first a short video and song of worship with someone remembering all the little things their mother did 

The second a more traditional hymn to Mary a source of inspiration for all mothers.