Saturday 30 March 2024

Holy Saturday: Art and Faith

 Holy Saturday: Art and Faith

On this day of quiet when we remember Jesus' friends who mourned the death of their dear friend we share a piece of art which is Mary holding her son before he was placed into the tomb. This sculpture by Michelangelo is known as the Pieta.  The video includes two commentaries one from the London-based art expert Lynne Hanley, the second a priest's perspective from Fr Christopher Whitehead. It is one of a series of art pieces chosen for Holy Week that help us to gain insights into the Gospel message.   

In our weekly Gospel Sharing we often use art alongside music to provide different ways into our reflections on scripture and Gospel of the week. Some people find the art speaks to them in ways that deepen their understanding, and its always great to hear different views. If you'd like to come along please see further details on Gospel Share page.