Sunday 12 May 2024

Gospel Reflection: Jesus prays for us as we go out into the world

 Gospel Reflection: Jesus prays for us
as we go out into the world 

Albert Druer, Praying Hands
Today's Gospel is taken from John 17 and we hear Jesus praying to his Father to look after the disciples and consecrate them (make them sacred) as he sends them out into the world to share his Word.  Jesus knows that whilst he was with them he was able to look after them to help them, but soon he will be going to his Father in heaven.   

For those who have lost a parent or a loved one, we can remember how they helped us in our lives, we may remember their final words or those words of wisdom and the example they gave us whilst they were here on earth. For the disciples and for us, today's Gospel is a reminder that although Jesus isn't with us physically, he has shared his words of truth which guide us as we go out into the world to spread the good news.  

Next Sunday, the Feast of Pentecost will be a special day in the faith journey of our confirmandi, 12 young people whose families have been helping them, like Jesus helped the disciples and helps us all. In this third sacrament of their Christian Initiation they become full members of the church and with the help of the Holy Spirit will go out into the world.  We know that living in the world with all its tempations and distractions isn't easy, yet today's Gospel reminds and comforts us that Jesus prays for us, sends his Holy Spirit to help us as we go out to love and serve the Lord. Come Holy Spirit Fill the Hearts of your faithful.  AMH