Sunday, 26 May 2024

Gospel Reflection: The Most Holy Trinity

 The Most Holy Trinity 

Photo of Prayer Card - Trinity
Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Today is, in a way, the culmination of the Church’s liturgical year. We have celebrated the mysteries of the life of Jesus, from His birth, through His death and resurrection, to His ascension into heaven. We have remembered the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Now we turn our hearts and minds to the very mystery of God Himself. All the celebrations of the Church’s year, all the prayer of the Church, finds its source and completion in God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

The Catechism teaches us that the whole end of the God’s involvement in the world is for all God’s creatures to share in His perfect unity as Father, Son and Spirit. Yet, even now, God calls us in baptism to become His temples, dwelling places of the Trinity. Jesus promises to those who keep His word that they (the Trinity) will come to make a home within them.

Art and the Holy Trinity

This short video looks at three images of the Trinity and offers ideas for what we can learn about the mystery of the Trinity through Art Work. 

Follow Me 

Children's Liturgy Follow Me Logo
In our Gospel reading we are asked to follow Jesus commandments. For our children on Half Term Holiday a colouring page showing different ways of loving our neighbour a colouring page showing different ways of loving our neighbour