Saturday, 1 June 2024

Sequence for Feast of Body and Blood of Christ

Sequence for Feast of Body and Blood of Christ

 Ecce Panis Angelorum |  Behold the Bread of Angels 

A sequence is a poem / hymn that we say at important feasts. Tomorrow we will say Behold the Bread of Angels which is the last four verses of a longer piece of writing by St Thomas Aquinas called Lauda Sion (1274).


Ecce Panis Angelorum                     Behold the Bread of Angels, 

Factus cibus viatorum                       made the food of wayfarers, 

Vere panis filiorum,                           Truly the bread of children, 

Non mittendus canibus.                    not to be given to the dogs.

In figuris praesignatur,                      Presignified by figure, 

Cum Isaac immolatur,                       When Isaac was immolated, 

Agnus Paschae deputatur,               the Paschal Lamb was commanded, 

Datur manna patribus.                      Manna was given to the fathers

Bone pastor, panis vere,                  Good shepherd, true Bread, 

Jesu, nostri miserere:                       Jesus, have mercy on us; 

Tu nos pasce, nos tuere,                  Feed us, protect us, 

Tu nos bona fac videre                     In Make us to see good things 

terra viventium.                                  in the land of the living. 

Tu qui cuncta scis et vales,              Thou who knowest and willest all things, 

Qui nos pascis hic mortales:            Who feeds us mortals by This; 

Tuos ibi commensales,                     Make thine own to be partakers of, 

Coheredes et sodales                       coheirs and citizens in 

Fac sanctorum civium.                      that holy City of Saints

Panis Angelicus

What some may also recognise is the hymn Panis Angelicus which are the last two verses of a longer hymn celebrating the Eucharist known as Sacris solemniis