Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Ordinary Time and a Month for the Sacred Heart

Sunday Ordinary Time 

This Sunday we return to green vestments at Mass for the first time is several months, after the purple of Lent and the white of Easter. This marks the beginning of what the Church calls the ‘Sundays in Ordinary Time’. In a sense there is never ‘ordinary time’ in the life of a Christian. Each day, each moment, is an opportunity to encounter the Lord and to be touched by His grace. 

Sacred Heart of Jesus

The month of June is set aside by the Church to focus on the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Friday 7th June we celebrated the feast of the Sacred Heart. It is an image we are very familiar with as Catholics, but what does it mean? The Heart of Jesus is a living, beating symbol of His infinite love for us, and an invitation to love Him in return. This love is especially centred around His real presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus is truly there in the tabernacle, inviting us to draw near to Him. Why not make a resolution this June to call into the Church whenever we are near and visit Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament? 

Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayer Card
Sacred Heart of Jesus